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  • Writer's pictureSarah Pinches

Summertime in New Hampshire

Updated: Jul 15, 2018

Summer is definitely my favorite season. (Disclaimer: I don’t speak for Jon on this! Ha!) In my opinion, summertime is when we in New Hampshire get to enjoy the best of our state; whether it’s relaxing at weekend cookouts with family and friends, kayaking on the many beautiful lakes and rivers, eating lobster rolls at the beach, or camping and hiking up in the mountains. ...I’m not a great hiker though. Slap me in a tent by the fire,  and then send me down the Saco all day long, but I don’t know what it is about being on a mountain that turns me into a clumsy, tumbling buffoon. I had to scoot down Mt. Major on my rear end, and that experience marked the end of my hiking adventures. 

Fortunately for me, it doesn’t take any coordination to enjoy the amazing craft beer breweries in New Hampshire and our neighboring states, many of which have outdoor seating options to try their latest concoctions while letting any stress of the week just melt away. 

However you choose to have some fun in the summer, a great craft beer seems to always pair perfectly, doesn’t it? And we’ve got a wide selection of summer seasonal beers at The Packie. The folks from Shipyard hosted a free tasting recently and I tried Maui Mango for the first time; freaking delicious!

There’s also a ton to celebrate in the summer like weddings as one example (ours was in June! Weeee!!) and all of the festivities that go along with them such as the bachelor and bachelorette parties!

Craft beer should definitely make an appearance at all of your summer celebrations. And hey, our new craft beer baskets could make the perfect gift! 

For sale now at The Packie!
The Packie's Craft Beer Baskets - In Production!

So we hope you’ll add visiting The Packie to your list of summer “must-do” stops because we’ve got you covered for all of your season’s happenings. Maybe it’s because of how short the summer seems to be in our beautiful nook of the world that makes me appreciate it so much, and our goal is to help make your summer a flipping fantastic time. 

Hope you have a great week everyone! 

Sarah Pinches

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